Activity 2: Flying Foxes [4 points]
Not only is New Zealand home to many native birds but we also have a number of native bats. Some of these bats are really small while others are much larger. None, however, are as large as the largest bat in Australia. It is called the flying fox (pictured below) and it has a wingspan of up to 6 feet or 2 metres. Wow! That is taller than most of us! 
Flying foxes usually sleep during the day and hunt for food at night, using their ears to guide them through the darkness. Like other bats, they have the best hearing of any mammal. It is their ‘superpower.’
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? If I could choose, I would like to be able to fly. It would make it possible for me to fly back to Canada and visit my family whenever I wanted. How amazing would that be?!
On your blog, tell us what superpower you would like to have and why you’d like to have it.
I would choose to have the power of shape-shifting to any living being. I choose this power to comuinicate with animals. It would also be funny to prank my family and friends with this power.
1 comment:
Hey there Tyra, it's Billy here from the Summer Learning Journey team. Thanks for working so hard this summer and completing lots of activities. I'm sure your teacher will be really proud of your effort.
I've enjoyed reading about your chosen super power. Shape shifting would be an exciting choice. The options are essentially endless. You could prank your family in a number of ways. How would you prank them? I would shape shift into something non-living then all of a sudden come to life and surprise them.
You could turn into a plane if you wanted to travel somewhere. You would turn into a dolphin and go exploring underwater. You could turn into Spiderman, Superman, Wonderwoman etc.
I'd really enjoy turning into animals; like a hawk or a cat (if I felt like relaxing and sleeping all day).
Thanks, can't wait to hear more of your ideas!
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